JSON Escape / Unescape Tool

Escape or unescape double quotes, single quotes or special characters from JSON.

Do we store or see the data you submit?

No, we don't see, store, or log any of the information that you enter. The tool doesn't send any of the information that you enter to the server. It works completely on the client side.

What is JSON escaping?

JSON escaping refers to the process of encoding special characters in a JSON string to ensure their correct interpretation and representation. Certain characters have special meanings in JSON, and they need to be escaped to avoid parsing errors or misinterpretation.

In JSON, the following characters are escaped:

  • Backslash (\) is escaped as \\
  • Double quote (") is escaped as \\"
  • Newline is escaped as \\n
  • Carriage return is escaped as \\r
  • Tab is escaped as \\t

What is JSON unescaping?

JSON unescaping is the process of decoding escaped characters in a JSON string to restore their original form and meaning. When working with JSON data, escaped characters need to be converted back to their original representations for proper interpretation.

How to Use the JSON Escape / Unescape Tool?

  • Copy and paste your JSON data into the input field.
  • If you want to escape the JSON (for example, replace \ with \\ and " with \\"), use the escape button.
  • If you want to unescape the JSON (e.g., replace \\ with \ and \\" with "), use the unescape button.
  • The escaped/unescape JSON data will appear in the output field.

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JSON Escape / Unescape Tool

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